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    News & information for developers & users from the wide world of FileMaker, Claris and beyond

Exploring The Execute FileMaker Data API Script Step

What is this new script step in FileMaker 19 and how does it work?

FileMaker 19 introduced some game changing functionality to the platform, including the JavaScript functions and Add-Ons. Another last-minute feature that made it into the release was the Execute FileMaker Data API script step. Documentation is sparse at this time, so we set out to find out what it does and how it works. Let's jump in...

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Consuming A Webhook With FileMaker

How to take advantage of web services' webhooks within a FileMaker database

More and more online services are utilizing webhooks as a resource-light way to respond to an event, often times pushing around some data. So if we as FileMaker developers want to take advantage of these webhooks, how can we go about it? Well, dig in and find out!

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FileMaker Pro 19: How To Fix The License Certificate Not Installing

Is your FileMaker Pro 19 installation running as a trial license despite adding the license certificate?

In the process of setting up a machine for a client recently, we encountered an issue where FileMaker Pro 19 was installed, with the license certificate in the downloads folder as it should be, but we were asked for the license certificate each time the app was launched. And when it did launch, the app was in trial mode with an expiration date. But wait, we have a valid license...

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FileMaker Pro: Extracting Multiple JSON Formatted Script Parameters In One Step

It Might Take A "While" For Us To Achieve This

The JSON functions were introduced in FileMaker 16 and since then, as it's native functionality, we've used these functions for passing around data in script parameters and more. Often times, we'll be, say, clicking a button on a layout and passing multiple JSON formatted script parameters to the script being executed. But we began wondering if there was a quicker way of extracting the parameters into variables in the script, and it turns out there is…

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FileMaker Server On AWS: Expanding Volume Size

Adding Additional Disk Space To An Existing Volume

It’s not uncommon, as a FileMaker database begins to grow, that the volume originally set up on an AWS instance begins to run out of space. To tackle this, you could launch a new instance with a larger volume, but that seems like a bunch of work and there’s a much simpler way of solving this problem. Let’s find out how…

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FileMaker Server & macOS 10.15 Catalina: Backup Destination Not Writable

Warning 156 Schedule "HOURLY_BACKUP_USB" aborted; the destination "filemac:/BackUps/" is not writable.

If you upgrade your Mac server to macOS 10.15 Catalina, you might find that your backup schedules to external drives start failing with an error number 156. Although apparently fixed in FileMaker 18.0.4, it's rearing its head again, but there is a simple fix.

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Fixing Custom Default Fields In FileMaker 19

Changes In FileMaker 19 Have Broken Existing Custom Default Fields

Custom default fields were introduced in FileMaker 17 and proved to be immensely useful. The functionality allows for the automatic creation of fields when making a new table, ensuring consistency for fields like primary keys or creation/modification timestamps for example. If you had set this up in 17, when FileMaker 18 was released, they continued to work. But try it with FileMaker 19 and your custom default fields are gone. Don't panic, it's a pretty simple fix.

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FileMaker Pro 19: Key New Features

An Overview Of The Key New Features In Claris FileMaker Pro 19

FileMaker Pro 19 is now available, and with the release come a bunch of awesome new features to further enhance the capabilities of the platform. In this post we’ll check out, in brief, some of the key new features and in further posts we’ll dig into a select few a bit deeper.

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Intro to Claris Connect Part 6: Making FileMaker Trigger A Flow

Triggering and sending data to a flow from FileMaker in Claris Connect

FileMaker can do literally almost anything, including interacting with APIs. For example, in our previous articles introducing Claris Connect, we've been adding a member to a Mailchimp list. But that process of communicating with the API may not always be so easy. If only there were a way to trigger a Claris Connect flow from within FileMaker. Oh. Wait. There is! Let's see how...

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Intro to Claris Connect Part 5: Sending Data To FileMaker

Integrating FileMaker into Claris Connect flows

In our previous articles introducing Claris Connect, we've been integrating cloud based services to handle a particular workflow. But we're FileMaker developers at heart. So how does our database fit into all this? 

Well, we're glad you asked, because the answer is pretty darn well! With FileMaker also being a Claris product, those clever folks over there made sure that FileMaker could be used within a flow of Claris Connect. So let's send some data from our flow to a hosted FileMaker database.

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