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    News & information for developers & users from the wide world of FileMaker, Claris and beyond

Setting Up A Keycloak Server For Authenticating To FileMaker: Part 6: Configuring FileMaker

Lesson in Brief: Adjusting External Authentication And Setting Up Groups

In our last article we configured Keycloak with a realm, client, users and more, ready for it to act as our authentication server for our FileMaker database. In the final stretch of our epic Keycloak journey, we turn our attention to FileMaker and the items we need to take care of there to bring this all together. We're almost there, let's get stuck in!

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Setting Up A Keycloak Server For Authenticating To FileMaker: Part 4: Adding A MySQL Database

Lesson in Brief: Installing MySQL And Configuring Keycloak To Use It

If you've been following our Keycloak series and have survived the previous SSL certificate article, congratulations. We're close to actually getting stuck into Keycloak itself, but we have one last installation item to take care of. Out of the box, Keycloak comes with a relational database called H2, but this is primarily intended for development and testing purposes and is not designed for high concurrency environments. So, we need to set up Keycloak to connect to a more solid database, for which we are going to use MySQL.

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Setting Up A Keycloak Server For Authenticating To FileMaker: Part 3: Installing A SSL Certificate

Lesson in Brief: Installing A Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate With Auto-Renew

So far in our adventure into the depths of setting up an authentication server, we've installed Ubuntu, installed Keycloak and completed some initial configuration to allow us to log in to the software. We must remember that what we're trying to achieve here is better security and as such having our authentication server be secure is critical. So, we're going to need to have encryption, which means installing a SSL certificate. Let's do this!

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Setting Up A Keycloak Server For Authenticating To FileMaker: Introduction

Lesson in Brief: What Is Keycloak, Why Use It & Next Steps

Data breaches are already far too common and the IT security industry is ever evolving to combat unauthorized access to systems. So, how can we as FileMaker developers and deployers embrace modern security practices? One way is to utilize an Identity and Access Management solution, such as Keycloak, and in this multi-part series we'll be looking at how to install, configure and connect Keycloak to authenticate users to a FileMaker database.

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FileMaker Server Command Line Interface: omniORB SSL Warning

This seems ominous: omniORB: (0) Warning: SSL CA certificate location is not set. SSL transport disabled.

Working with Claris' FileMaker Server Command Line Interface (CLI) allows you to configure your server to your needs and in some instances allows you to adjust settings that are not available within the Admin Console. When executing commands, if you encounter a warning message that begins "omniORB" followed by the date, time and something to do with the SSL, you may have concerns... And rightly so, "SSL transport disabled" doesn't sound good, right? Well, read on to find out what might be wrong and how to fix it.

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Zabbix 5 Appliance: Database Error - Connection Refused

Diagnosing & Fixing A New Installation Of Zabbix 5 Appliance With "Database Error - Connection Refused" Message

If you've recently deployed Zabbix 5 using the downloadable Appliance package and a few hours, days or weeks later you log in and encounter a message telling you "Database Error - Connection Refused", your heart will sink and your plans for the day are likely derailed. All that work setting it up, configuring the templates, adding the hosts and action notifications, wasted... Devastating. You're probably coming to terms with having to spend the day building it from scratch again... But wait! Before you do, read on as it's possible there may be a fairly simple fix!

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