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WebDirect - Sounds Essential LLC

Capturing Map Coordinates In FileMaker WebDirect

Utilizing the FileMaker PHP API

In previous posts, we detailed a technique to capture the coordinates from a Google map and place these into a record in FileMaker. This is certainly a great way to have your users interact with maps, as long as they are using the FileMaker Pro client. If the solution deploys FileMaker WebDirect, the technique does not work. But we have a way that does and after a number of enquiries about how we did it, we’re finally getting around to documenting this and sharing with others...

FileMaker WebDirect: URL Differences Between 15 And 16

Forwarding FileMaker WebDirect 15 URLs to WebDirect 16

When FileMaker 16 was released in May 2017, there was plenty of fanfare surrounding the many new features it introduced. WebDirect, however, did not get much attention or focus on any changes. But there were some, including an adjustment to the URL used to access a FileMaker solution.

For people that have bookmarked the FileMaker 15 WebDirect URL to your database, this presents a problem. Let’s see how we can fix it…